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 ζ Тема ζ: New Horizons release discussion

Ответов: 93
Просмотров: 73751
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Чт Фев 27, 2014 1:31   Тeмa: New Horizons release discussion

Drakon писал(а):

You see, I don't need a person that talks Russian, one of my translators was an American, who knows only English. The other was a guy from Czech republic, there are simularities between czech and Russian but it's like comparing German and English, yeah, there are some words that are the same, but that's all. Point is, I need someone who have time to translate a lot of Machine Translated text. I can help if it won't make a lot of sense but I can't do the job, since I have little free time.

I actually am czech too so I know about similarities of languages. Smile
Yet I wouldn't be able to properly understand it and I would have to assume a lot. And that's excluding the fact that I don't know cyrillic alphabet at all. Very Happy
It is also easier for me, when you hear it than when you have to read it. I wouldn't be able to read much in polish but we had polish guy attendig some lessons with us at university and I was mostly able to get what he was saying. Thanks to context and thanks to being able to hear proper pronunciation which is closer than written text. This applies to russian even more.

@bludwig; I love you Exclamation
 ζ Тема ζ: New Horizons release discussion

Ответов: 93
Просмотров: 73751
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Сб Фев 22, 2014 0:44   Тeмa: New Horizons release discussion

Drakon писал(а):
Kpete писал(а):
Hi Drakon,

any news on the translation? I am checking the forum daily, because I can´t await it. New Horizon is the better Eador Smile

I have no people to do the translation. Slowly but steadily I can translate the names of the units and spells, but that's all. I don't have enough time to do the rest of the translation, especially such complicatd things as events and descriptions. Until someone would willing to help, the project is on hiatus. I'm going to do the promissed update with fixes and the graphical update since it's easy enough to do.

Oh bummer. I would really love to try this new version.
I guess, I should start taking russian lessons. Smile
 ζ Тема ζ: New Horizons release discussion

Ответов: 93
Просмотров: 73751
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Ср Окт 16, 2013 20:10   Тeмa: New Horizons release discussion

I signed here just to tell you how I appreciated this mod. I discovered it only yesterday but I think it is great think.
When I got Eador, I liked it and still do, but very soon I discovered it is not possible to promote units and I felt like author missed great opportunity as it would make game much better because game mechanisms felt like made for it.
So you can imagine how happy I was when I learnt about existence of this mod and saw what it has to offer.
I will probably wait with playing it as I am campaign person and the bug could ruin it for me but I am really looking forward to new version.

Anyway I just want to thank you and keep up the good work.
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